Top 100 Rarest Pokemon Cards List 2021 – Rarest Pokemon Cards List
Pokemon TCG or PTCG stands for Pokemon Trade Cards Game and it is rare to collect some of the cards in Pokemon.
The Pokemon Cards can be listed as the Top 100 Rarest Pokemon Cards List 2021 in the Pokemon card collecting game.
The first publication of Pokemon Cards started in 1996 in Japan.
Pokemon Cards will help you in Pokemon games. There will be a basic energy card when you buy a packet of cards.
The Energy Cards will give a different kind of boost in the Pokemon game. So, collecting cards will help you throughout the game.
In Japanese sets, there are 6959 cards in, and 9110 cards are there in the American sets.
Top 99 Rarest Pokemon Cards List 2021

- Umbreon
- Golem
- Espeon
- Rayquaza
- Alph Lithograph
- Max Potion
- Mudkip
- Empoleon
- Lugia
- Rocket’s Moltres ex
- Ho-Oh
- Krookodile
- Alakazam 4 LV.X
- Tyranitar ex
- Terrakion
- Magneton
- Registeel
- Kyogre
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- SuicuneRocket’s Scyther ex
- Celebi
- Here Comes Team Rocket!
- Groudon
- Rocket’s Suicune ex
- Rocket’s Mewtwo ex
- Shining Charizard
- Blastoise
- Moltres
- Charizard
- Suicune
- Torchic
- Meowth
- Shining Kabutops
- Houndoom
- Bianca
- Rocket’s Scizor ex
- Pikachu
- Treecko
- Pikachu
- Shining Steelix
- Latios
- Entei
- Regirock
- Rocket’s Snorlax ex
- Regice
- Rocket’s Articuno ex
- Deoxys ex
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- Vaporeon
- Shining Noctowl
- Charizard ex
- Giratina-EX
- Sigilyph
- Blaine’s Charizard
- Charizard
- Nidoking
- Absol
- Sceptile
- Gengar ex
- Arcanine ex
- Entei-EX
- Golurk
- Rocket’s Entei ex
- Pikachu
- Raikou
- Vaporeon
- Zekrom
- Flareon
- Rayquaza ex
- Snorlax LV.X
- Serperior
- Altaria ex
- Dark Espeon
- Zoroark
- Shining Raichu
- Venusaur ex
- Regirock ex
- Starmie
- Alakazam
- Dark Gengar
- Raikou-EX
- Cacturne ex
- Registeel ex
- Dusknoir
- Blastoise
- Umbreon
- Latias
- Shining Tyranitar
- Hydreigon
- Umbreon
- Shining Mewtwo
- Suicune
- Archeops
- Sceptile ex
- Espeon
- Porygon-Z LV.X
- Dark Tyranitar
- Milotic ex
- Mew
- Rayquaza ex
- Gyarados
Valuable Pokemon Cards / Most Valuable Pokemon Cards
- Tropical Wind
- 1999 No. 1 Trainer
- 1st Edition Holo Lugia
- Kangaskhan-Holo
- Pikachu Illustrator
- Ishihara GX
- Gold Pikachu
- Prerelease Raichu
- Master’s Key
- Gold Star Espeon and Umbreon
- 2002 No. 1 Trainer
- Blastoise Presentation Card
- Shadowless Charizard